ERS: SharedWork and Paid Family & Medical Leave
Date and Time
Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM PDT
Free and open to any Business with registration.

What you'll learn about Paid Family and Medical Leave program:
- Benefits and eligibility, providing additional benefits, also called “supplemental benefits,” to employees, notifying your employees about the benefit and calculating and collecting premiums.
- Benefits and eligibility for workers to receive up to 12 weeks of paid time off.
- Learn how employers can provide additional benefits, also called “supplemental benefits,” to their employees on top of the state’s Paid Family and Medical Leave benefits.
- Notifying your employees about the benefit.
- Under the law, you are required to inform your employees about the Paid Family and Medical Leave program by posting a notice in a place customarily used to post other employment-related notices.
- How to calculate and collect premiums.